Il team di Primo Principio è il perfetto mix di competenze utili per migliorare i tuoi servizi e prodotti. Mettiti in contatto con noi!


Primo Principio is a cooperative company of engineers, social scientists and digital artisans. .

We chose to share human capital and knowledge in order to offer ICT services related to the rural and agrarian world and to the environmental monitoring. All this in order to hinder the digital gap and to operate in educational, formative and international cooperation areas with passion and originality.

We try to keep ethics and innovation together: we take to heart technology sustainability and we work in order to offer to our clients a “human”, appropriated, easy-to-use and concrete technology.


We believe in an eco-friendly innovation able to offer technological tools suitable to face economic, environmental and social challenges.


We believe that what we can’t measure we can’t improve, and for this reason, every day we try to collect and elaborate data and information allowing communication between things and people at any distance, in any position and in any context.


Our team is characterized by multidisciplinary and trasversal nature of competences. We believe in team work and in the integration of different visions and approaches.